Propagating innovations
for more resilient dairy farming
in the Atlantic area
Funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Program, the Dairy-4-Future project aims to increase the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of dairy farms in the Atlantic area. Its objective is to identify, evaluate and then widely propagate innovative practices to european dairy technicians and breeders, through transnational seminares or farm open days and technical tools : publications, videos, training tools….
Analysing the dairy sector in Atlantic area
Fostering the economic resilience
Improving resources use efficiency
Determining sustainable dairy systems

pilot farms
experimental farms
Latest News
Dairy4Future farmers discuss carbon and mastitis
March 9, 2022
“Dairy-4-Future pilot farmers recently met at the farm of Mark Blelock to discuss factors affecting the carbon footprint of…
Dairy-4-Future farmers review breeding and heifer rearing policies
November 29, 2021
Dairy-4-Future pilot farmers recently had the opportunity to discuss breeding selection and heifer rearing policy on the…
DairyLink Ireland – Grass-based, high-output system in Down
November 29, 2021
Click here to read the full article from the Irish Farmers Journal, available in PDF.
Case Studies Synthesis
October 25, 2021
Approach of differentiation strategies on dairy farms in the Atlantic area In the action 4.3 of Dairy for Future Interreg…
Cosmetics made with bio dairy milk from Galicia (Spain)
July 30, 2021
At the heart of Galicia in “A Ulloa” County a new cosmetic brand was established in 2016. Muuhulloa is a bodymilk made with…