Approach of differentiation strategies on dairy farms in the Atlantic area

In the action 4.3 of Dairy for Future Interreg project, we interested in actions led by different farmers in 10 regions of the Atlantic area region that integrate the idea of differentiation strategy. Being carried out only on one farm, in a small collective of few farms or even in much bigger organizations of hundred or thousands of farms, those actions have in common the implementation of specific practices and the search of added value relying on those practices that go beyond standards and for which consumers can accept to pay more.

As only one action has been studied for each region, we don’t aim at being exhaustive about the diversity of actions led on territories. What is clear however is that dairy farmers from different horizons are looking for new strategies of competitiveness, out of the model of cost competitiveness. And it implies more or less radical changes on their farm. (…)


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