WP3 - Capitalization
The goal of the Dairy-4-Future capitalization strategy is to create economic, social and policy environments within which the dairy sector can flourish in the long-term. This WP will be led by AHDB, but all partners will actively participate. The starting point will be a better understanding of how dairy innovation chains are performing in the Atlantic Region. This will inform how to optimize a collaborative platform which will ensure project outputs are exploited during the lifetime of the project, and beyond. This WP will utilize outputs from other WPs to organize and stimulate further interactions, build networks and develop frameworks for long term collaboration. Key target audiences will be farmers and their representative organisations, policy makers, supply chain actors (milk buyers, processors and supply industries, including technology companies), relevant NGO’s, educators, trainers and extension workers. Outputs will include formal and informal connections made between researchers and farmers, new or refined tools and methodologies, or strategic policy insight which could be updated in the future. Key drivers of technical efficiency, cost competitiveness and connectivity with the market will ensure engagement, as well as continuing relevance for sustainability issues beyond the life of the project. Before the end of the project a Forum (hosted on the D4F website) will be created to exploit technical, market and policy networks identified during the project. Via the involvment on other projects, dissemination activities and other contacts with farms, companies… the Dairy4Future partners will ensure that the results obtained on the Atlantic Area region will be deployed on other regions of Europe.
WP4 - Análise da fileira do leite
Esta atividade tem como propósito dar uma visão clara da fileira do leite na área atlântica (AA). Será efetuada uma avaliação da situação atual do sector leiteiro na AA (desde a produção de leite, passando pela indústria de laticínios, até ao mercado …), através do estudo aprofundado da diversidade dos sistemas de produção (convencionais e biológicos) e das empresas de lacticínios. Uma análise SWOT regional irá permitir identificar os possíveis elementos de similitude a nível da AA. Em cooperação com os parceiros associados a este projeto, será feita uma análise focada em diferentes atividades (produtividade, desenvolvimento rural, pegada ambiental, bem-estar animal …) para melhor identificar os benefícios da produção leiteira. Isto permite identificar elementos basilares importantes para as empresas do sector lácteo da AA. A análise das estratégias de diferenciação da produção, a fim de criar valor acrescentado sobre os produtos lácteos, será feita através de 10 estudos de caso. Em estreita ligação com a fase inicial desta atividade, e também das atividades 5 a 7, serão avaliadas as perspetivas de crescimento do sector lácteo da área atlântica até 2025, de acordo com as oportunidades e potencial de evolução dos mercados (à escala europeia e global), das estratégias da indústria e das condições das explorações leiteiras (competência dos produtores, disponibilidade de recursos alimentares, estrutura das explorações, restrições ambientais…). Esta atividade irá utilizar informações e bases de dados dos parceiros, incluindo a base europeia da RICA. O objetivo desta atividade é ter uma visão clara do sector lácteo, a fim de construir estratégias capazes de acrescentar valor.
WP5 - Fostering dairy sector economic resilience in the Atlantic Area
The objective of this work package is to enhance the economic and environmental performance of dairy farms in the Atlantic Area through identification of innovations and demonstration of effective economic practises that simultaneously maximise profitability and improve efficiency. Ten farms per region/country: Ireland, western Scotland, Northern Ireland, southwest England, Galicia, Basque Country, Portugal and the Azores (i.e. 80 farms) and a further 20 farms across Normandy, New Aquitaine and Brittany will form a network of 100 innovative dairy enterprises (conventional and organic farms), led by project partners. They will cover diversity of dairy systems of each country, but main criteria of choice will be innovative aspects of farms. Economic variables drawn from this network will be analysed to determine best practises and to establish comparative financial and technical production efficiencies, alongside the potential for improvement and results will align with outputs from WP6 and feed into WP7. External factors that impact upon on the commercial success of a dairy farm will be assessed and the effect on farm profitability will be determined and industry perspectives will be sought through associated partners. Opportunities and trade-offs within and across countries will be demonstrated by each of the regional partners to farmers, advisors and stakeholders through a series of workshops and demonstrations on pilot farms. All partners are involved in this WP.
WP6 - Sharing knowledge for innovative resource use efficiency on dairy farms in the Atlantic Area
This action encompasses collaboration between a transnational network of 10 dairy experimental farms and 100 pilot dairy farms (same as in WP5). Experimental farms, already related (or even with strong cooperation) to partners many times in the past are:
-Crichton Research and Innovation Farm (Scotland)
-Greenmount Agricultural College Farm (Northern Ireland)
-Duchy College Farm in (South West England)
-Kildalton Agricultural College Farm (Ireland)
-Solohead Research Farm (Ireland)
-Blanche Maison Experimental Farm (Normandy)
-Trevarez Experimental Farm (Brittany)
-Agroecological System at Lusignan (New Aquitaine)
-Fraisoro Agricultural School (Basque Country)
-The system at CIAM (Galicia)
The 100 pilot dairy farms network (already described in WP5) covers all the AA regions with at least 10 farms per region with either conventional or organic production, used to be at the forefront of dairy farming innovation.
The objective is to improve sustainability, identifying and demonstrating best practices to improve resource use efficiency. This will involve analyzing needs and opportunities for improvement and to support key stakeholders to optimize their activities and cooperation. Experimental and pilot farms will demonstrate practical options and benefits of improved resource use. Training programs will be formulated focused on resource-use. Farmers will undertake exchange visits between regions to share experience and develop innovative solutions.
WP7 - Sustainable systems for the future (links, blue print systems, key recommendations /good practices)
This will involve evaluation of outputs of WP4, WP5 and WP6 in terms of prospects and optimum balance between profitability, resource use efficiency and environmental performance of dairy farms. The pilot and experimental dairy farms represent a range of dairy production systems across the Atlantic Area where, for example, greater than 75% of the diet of dairy cows is from grazed grass in Azores and Ireland to where 100% of the diet is fed indoors on farms in Northern Portugal and western Scotland with the majority of systems being implemented on farms across the Atlantic Area falling between these extremes. The study of these differences in management strategies between farms will allow us to identify practices that offer best outcomes for resilient dairy farms, often the economic cornerstone of rural communities across the Atlantic Area. This will allow us to identify and recommend best practices in terms of the future direction (roadmap for 2020 to 2025) for development of the dairy industry across the Atlantic Area and the design and promotion of blueprint systems adapted to the socioeconomic, soil and to changing climatic conditions in each region. Part of this process will involve the development of tools and for evaluating and categorizing milk produced on farms in terms of sustainability credentials, which is multifaceted and complex but which is increasingly being required by the milk processing industry to meet the growing demand for such information from consumers.